go Function

Detailed documentation for the go function in go-errors.

go Function

The go function is designed for handling asynchronous operations (Promises) that might reject, providing a Go-style error handling approach in TypeScript and JavaScript.

Type Signature

function go<T, E = Error>(promise: Promise<T>): Promise<Result<T, E>>;

Type Parameters:

  • T: The type of the successful value (the type that the Promise resolves to).
  • E: The type of the error. Defaults to Error if not specified.


  • promise: A Promise<T> that might resolve to a value of type T or reject with an error.


  • Promise<Result<T, E>>: A Promise that always resolves to a Result<T, E> tuple. This tuple will be:
    • [value, null] if the input promise resolves successfully.
    • [null, error] if the input promise rejects.

Basic Usage

import { go } from 'go-errors';

async function fetchData(): Promise<string> {
  const response = await fetch('/api/data');
  if (!response.ok) {
    throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
  return response.text();

async function main() {
  let [data, err] = await go(fetchData());

  if (err) {
    console.error("Data fetching failed:", err.message);
  } else {
    console.log("Fetched data:", data);



  1. fetchData() is an asynchronous function that fetches data from an API. It might resolve with the data or reject with an error.
  2. go(fetchData()) wraps the fetchData() Promise. The go function never rejects. Instead, it always resolves to a Result tuple.
  3. let [data, err] = await go(fetchData()); This line uses destructuring to get the data and err values from the Result tuple.
    • If fetchData() resolves successfully, data will contain the fetched data, and err will be null.
    • If fetchData() rejects, data will be null, and err will contain the error.
  4. The if (err) block checks for errors and handles them appropriately.

Custom Error Types

You can use custom error types with go to improve type safety and provide more context about errors.

import { go } from 'go-errors';

class ApiError extends Error {
    constructor(message: string, public status: number) {
        this.name = 'ApiError';

async function fetchData(): Promise<string> {
    const response = await fetch('/api/data');
    if (!response.ok) {
        throw new ApiError(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`, response.status);
    return response.text();

async function main() {
    let [data, err] = await go<string, ApiError>(fetchData()); // Specify the error type

    if (err) {
        if (err instanceof ApiError) {
            console.error("API Error:", err.message, "Status:", err.status);
        } else {
            console.error("Unexpected Error:", err); // This should ideally not happen
    } else {
        console.log("Fetched data:", data);

Key Improvements:

  • Type Parameter: We use go<string, ApiError> to specify that the successful value will be a string and the error will be an ApiError.
  • instanceof Check: We use instanceof ApiError to check if the error is an instance of our custom error class. This allows us to handle ApiErrors specifically.
  • Error Context: The ApiError class includes a status property, providing additional context about the error.

Error Propagation (Chaining go calls)

go makes it easy to chain asynchronous operations and propagate errors:

async function processData() {
  let [data, fetchErr] = await go(fetchData());
  if (fetchErr) return [null, fetchErr] as const; // Early return on error

  let [processedData, processErr] = await go(process(data));
  if (processErr) return [null, processErr] as const; // Early return

  return [processedData, null] as const; // Return the final result

async function main() {
    let [result, err] = await processData();
    if(err) {
        console.error("Processing failed:", err);
    } else {
        console.log("Processing successful:", result);

Key Points:

  • Early Returns: Use if (err) return [null, err] as const; to immediately return from a function if an error occurs. This avoids nested if-else blocks and makes the code cleaner.
  • as const: The as const assertion is crucial here. It tells TypeScript that the returned tuple is readonly and has the exact types [null, Error] or [T, null], rather than the more general (T | null)[]. This ensures type safety when destructuring the result.

Best Practices

  • Always Use let: Use let for Result tuple declarations.
  • Explicit Type Parameters: Specify type parameters (<T, E>) for better type safety.
  • Early Returns: Use early returns to handle errors as soon as they occur.
  • as const: Use as const when returning Result tuples.
  • Custom Error Types: Define and use custom error types for better error handling and context.
  • Consider goFetch: For HTTP requests, prefer using goFetch over wrapping fetch directly with go. goFetch provides built-in error transformation and a more streamlined API.

See Also